TAM-Publications is run by Ruud Janssen. He publishes mail-art related stuff like magazines, interviews, etc.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
The catalogue of the African project "End Racism/Ethnic Hatred" done by Ayah Okwabi, Ghana. TAM-Publications sponsored the project by printing & distributing the catalogue. The layout was done by Ayah. - July 1996.
The TAM-Bulletin, issue 1987.01 - cover.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
This special issue of Open wORLD (cLOSED wORLD) was issued by TAM-Publications during the war in Yugoslavia in 1999. Now over 5 years ago. Dobrica continued his magazine open world lateron.
Mail-Interview with Patricia COllins, UK. Cover.
Mail-interview with Henning Mittendorf - Germany. Cover.
Mail-Interview with Rod Summers - Netherlands. He is a long-time mail-artist that specialises in Audio and published lots of good stuff.
Mail-Interview with Mark Greenfield - UK. Cover.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
The mail-interview with E.F.Higgins - III (USA) - cover
Mail-Interview with Gunther Ruch Switzerland (cover) 1997.
Mail-Interview with Jenny de Groot (Netherlands) - cover.
Mail-Interview with Ibirico-Spain. Cover 1997. Ibirico is a visual poet and artist
mail-interview with Ayah Okwabi - Ghana (Africa). Ayah currently works and lives in Sweden.
Mail-Interview with Rudi Rubberoid, USA - cover - 1996.
Another FAKE mail-interview that was published. This one by K. Frank Jensen from Denmark. The real interviews are all availbale at: http://www.iuoma.org/interview.html
In 1996 the complete addresslist of the TAM Rubberstamp Archive was published. A 35-pages thick addresslist with also the 11 pages thick newsletter of the archived were bundled into one publication. It was exchanged with other address-lists. Today a lot of mail-artists have moved, so it is now a historical list that includes names and address from 1983 up to 1996. After that de list wasn't updated anymore. The TAM RSA is documented online at: http://www.iuoma.org/rub_arch.html
All TAM-publications have a number. An overview of all these numbers was also published. So in this poblication the hundreds of issued by TAM are documented
The hardcopy version of the mail-interview with Vittore baroni (1996)
A small booklet with statements that was published just at the end of 1999, the start of the new millenium. A digital version of the statemenst is available at: http://www.iuoma.org/millenium.html. This page explains the history and gives access to the complete statements (in fullsize colour).
The mail-interview with Litsa Spathi - part 2 - visual part. Only subscribers to the mail-interview series became this booklet with a print out of the visuals.
The mail-interview with John M. Bennet. Hardcopy version 1996.